Sunday, November 27, 2011


I took a break from blogging.  Not intentional.  I have been busy.  We have had family staying with us for almost a month, and I have just been enjoying time with them before they leave.

However, I received news yesterday that I wanted to share.  My 4th grade teacher passed away.  Some people don't even remember their 4th grade teachers name.  I could not forget.  Not because she had an interesting name, but because that was the first of three years that completely changed my life.  I went from a tiny school three houses down from me where I attended with my older sister, to a school that was a 40 minute bus ride away and 40 some students in the class.  School #99, Arlington Woods, hosted the AT program.  I was lucky enough to have my two best friends in the program as well.  That is where I met my teacher, Ms. Roach.  She was unlike anyone I had never met.  The memory that I hold was that she was a bit intimidating, strong, solid woman.  As an adult I can look back and see how she was kind, patient, and really truly unforgettable. 

Just to clarify, this really has nothing to do with the school board.  But because she taught in IPS for 37 years, I pay tribute to her here. 

Ms. Roach taught us to play the dulcimer, to make butter, and introduced great writers of literature.  She brought in a golden retriever we called PC, short for Prince Charming.  He became our mascot.  I had never been in a classroom with a dog before.  But somehow that dog calmed the class and made this new school easier to accept.  Other students remember trips to Conner Prairie, buffalo burgers, skinning a deer, and lessons of history.  This was the first class I had been in where the desks weren't lined up in rows with the teacher at the front.
Ms. Roach would assign several reports that year, and we would need to prepare outlines and visuals.  We would have to stand in front of our peers time and time again delivering our speeches.  Because of this, I could project my voice and land roles in the school plays.  And later in life I would win speech competitions.  To this day, public speaking comes fairly easy to me, all because of my 4th grade teacher. 

I thank you, Ms. Roach for your years of service to IPS, but mostly I thank you for being my teacher.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Policy, what policy?

Well, I can not ignore the fact that I am behind on blogging.  So much has happened, it's hard to know where to begin.  I suppose we should start with the good, then the bad, and then the ugly.

Good- The School Board Open House was held on October 25th before the Action Session.  I was more than impressed with the students that were in attendance.  The Tech Culinary students provided cookies and punch, and served. The Agricultural & Environmental Science Star Academy at Manual set up a table, selling veggies and jams that they have grown and prepared. And lastly the Manual choir serenaded us with some great tunes.  I was also extremely happy with the turn out.  There were a lot of parents there because their children were involved.  But there were also several individuals who came for the sole purpose of the Open House.  They mingled with board members and with one another.  I hear some asked some tough questions, others were making great suggestions.  I look forward to the Board holding this event again.  Maybe next year we should wait until after Jan 1st, so everyone can meet the new board members.  

Other good news in IPS -  

Christine Collier, Head of Schools for the IPS Centers for Inquiry, who is among 61 outstanding elementary and middle school principals from across the globe to be named a 2011 National Distinguished Principal (NDP) by the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

Tyler Kniess, a senior at Arsenal Technical High School, who is a 2012 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. Tyler is among approximately 16,000 semifinalists nationwide who are competing for 8,300 National Merit Scholarships to be awarded next spring.

And today we have learned that the Colts owner is helping the Tech band with their trip to Hawaii for the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Bad- Well, the lingering effects of the comments.  (You know the ones)  Most of my anger about this situation was the way that it was handled.  Actually the way it wasn't.  
At the Oct. 18th meeting I read this statement to the President.

Madam President, I am deeply disappointed with the way you handled my concerns and the concerns of other board members regarding the Superintendents controversial comments.  Not only have you not provided leadership or guidance you haven't even responded.  I believe, as a Board, we need to sit down and discuss the situation in an Executive session called by you, the board president.  At the very least you should have responded to the concerns.  I believe you should set your personal feelings aside to properly represent the needs and concerns of all board member, not just the ones you agree with.  I ask that in the future any board president be fair, honest, and respectful to all board members.  I also believe this to be grossly unfair to the position of the superintendent.  Being a personnel issue the school board should have had a discussion first. My hope is that we can move forward, work as a board, and remember there are 7 elected officials.  

The Board President refused to call an Executive Session regarding this matter, stating she would not go against policy.  Policy however states that an Executive session can be called one of three ways.  By the Superintendent, by the Board President, or with a majority of four.  It's disheartening to know that 1) The president and board member for the last 3 decades is so unaware of the policy or 2) they decided to ignore policy to protect their self interest.  As it turns out 4 members were interested in meeting, but they weren't polled by the president, they were polled by me.

I can not discuss the Executive Session.

Ugly- The Board Retreat is right around the corner.   An important part of that discussion will be budget cuts.  No matter where you point the blame finger, cutting the budget is a necessity,  And it will be ugly.  

That's all for now.

Friday, October 14, 2011

School Board Open House

One of my goals as an IPS School Board Member was to help bridge the gap between Board Members and the parents.  I felt I could offer some insight, since I had been a student and a current parent of young children in IPS.  It's a tough job to bring on change.....

One idea I had was to host an IPS School Board Open House.  This will be held in the lobby of Central Office on October 25th from 6-6:45pm.  All are welcome to attend the Action Session immediately following.   There will be some special guests including the Tech Culinary students who will be providing some treats, the Manual choir, and a presentation form the AVID program at Manual.  Please mark this on your calendars and try to attend.  Children are absolutely welcome!
The Open House will provide time to meet the IPS Board Members, view their district map, learn your district, and a time to ask questions. 

After being in the sticks for 4 days, I thought the worst I would come home to is cat puke.

Boy was I wrong.

I felt like Intersession was the ticking time bomb and I wanted to be around to see how it went.  However, I planned a trip with the family, and while gone rarely even had internet connection.  Since I have been back I have heard both positive and negative.  Mostly though, I stand my ground on my disappointment with the program.  It was not the program we approved. 
However, I thank all the employees who dedicated hours and hours to organizing and planning Intersession after it was handed off to them.  Why?  Because the person in charge dropped the ball.  And they truly saved the day, and did the best possible job they could.  It is not their fault that this was not the plan that was promised to parents. 

But the biggest mess I walked into was the horrid comments made by our Superintendent regarding IPS accepting students.  Facebook, Twitter, Emails, Blogs, and News Channels have been going crazy.  Here is what he said in an interview...

"You've got to understand. We are public schools. What does that mean? We take everybody that come through the door, whether they are blind, crippled, crazy..."

Ouch.   No matter the intent, these comments are hateful and ugly.  They have hurt our children that come to us with special circumstances.  No excuses. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Well Robert, apparently you weren't invited.

Board Meeting, Briefing Session, 9/20/2011 is one I won't soon forget.

There were three topics that were of high importance to me.

Item # 5.16

Recommended Action

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve the recommendation to reconfigure the middle schools in the secondary schools to becomme junior high schools with their individual school number from IDOE.

I am quoting this form Board Docs, so I will not correct the spelling mistake.  Yet, I will smirk at the irony.  I was pretty opinionated on this issue.  (just a reminder- there are many more opinions than mine, however I am not blogging their opinions, only my own)  IPS has guessed what DOE will do over and over, and usually we are wrong.  Graduation dates ring a bell?  We were also told DOE WON"T takeover schools.  So here we are ASSUMING that they will 1) hand out another school code and 2) if these schools are split that they will calculate the scores any differently.  My argument is merely contact the DOE and ask BEFORE we make such a decision.  The Superintendent refuses to do so saying that would be asking permission and we don't have to ask permission.  I never stated that we should belly up to the State, however we should be able to communicate as adults and have discussions for the benefit of our students.
I did call the DOE.  I did ask these questions.  Why wouldn't I?  As a Board Member I feel that I should make the best INFORMED decision. 

Item # 5.19
Recommended Action

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve the creation of a magnet program at Longfellow Middle School effective the 2012-2013 school year.

I really thought that I had asked very specific questions regarding this school at out meeting on Saturday.  It was my understanding that we would not be opening this school for the 2012-2013 year, so I was surprised to not only see this on the agenda, but to realize we had to vote on it that night!

I have to say how disappointed I am that this went through without consulting our essential partners first.  You know, parents, voters, taxpayers, and community members.  I am surprised that the board members who were very vocal about the state holding last minute meetings would make such a decision without ANY meetings.   I think it is great to offer our parents more choices, especially on the south side of town where choice is lacking.  But wouldn't it have been better to see if they wanted that choice there?  Also, I feel bad for the students currently at Longfellow.  I toured this beautifully renovated school this summer, and one teacher thanked us for giving these students such a beautiful building.  These students that are in an alternative ed program sometimes feel forgotten and were so proud of this beautiful school, just for them.  And we just took it away.
Sure, things happen.  Maybe this was the best move.  However I stand behind my opinion that this decision shouldn't have been rushed.  In fact, I tried to postpone this vote.  And here is where it is very confusing.  I even put off blogging until I had more info, yet I still don't.  Long story short, I made a motion, I was told that I could not make that motion, as it turns out it looks like I was in the right.  Therefore my legitimate motion was blocked.  I think someone is in the process of figuring out what to do now, however, there has been no communication from the Board President thus far.  I am irritated with myself for not fighting harder that night.  I really thought I was right.  (I have read Robert's Rules for Dummies)  Instead I chose to believe someone who has been doing this for decades.  Someone who decided I was not capable of leading a committee meeting. 

Unfinished Business

Talk about confusing.  Ok.  Do you remember the vote to sue the state?  If not, here's a recap....

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve by Roll Call the filing of litigation against Dr. Tony Bennett and the Indiana Department of Education for actions adverse to four (4) district Community High Schools.

Motion by Marianna R Zaphiriou, second by Elizabeth M Gore.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Michael D Brown, Mary E Busch, Elizabeth M Gore, Marianna R Zaphiriou
Nay: W Diane Arnold, Andrea Roof, Samantha Adair-White
 Some of the Board Members, myself included, thought that since Dr. White decided not to sue the state that we should vote to rescind permission.  It was requested to be put on the agenda, but no one responded to the request.  So it was brought up as unfinished business.  
I wasn't planning on saying anything that night, just my vote.  However someone made the accusatory comment of the whole thing being semantic.  I considered it good old fashioned transparency by an elected official.  But here is what gets me.  It seems that if a board member (usually on the minority end of the split) disagrees with something we get criticized.  Or we're accused of doing it for personal gain, or because of a vendetta, or whatever.  I want to share something that was on the black board at my child's school. If 5th graders can learn this, can't we as Board Members?  And I am including myself.  I think everyone has room to improve. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Could I offer you a piece of humble pie?

 I knew there would be an article about IPS in the paper today, however I was shocked to see the title of that article,

Superintendent White jabs back at takeovers of IPS schools

I was more surprised to hear about the Superintendent's thoughts on these programs for the first time.  It would have been happy to hear it from him first.  I have a lot of thoughts on this article, but unfortunately that's the only information I have to go on. 

Here's what is concerning to me.
"The district's decision on special programs was met with swift criticism by state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Bennett, who said IPS was being anything but cooperative."
Ok, so we need to change the way we are doing things.  This is where the humble pie comes to the table.  Eat it and shut it.  If this type of relationship continues it will be a lose - lose for EVERYONE.   Not only am I a grad, parent, and board member, but this is my city.  Schools are one of the reasons my friends and neighbors have left this city.  This arguing has got to stop.

""We think we have some of the most unique and highly successful schools around," White said."  Yep.  So do I.  But so what?  It's not enough.  Unless all of our students can attend those schools, then it's not enough.  As long as we have students on waiting lists to get into those schools, it is not enough.  As long as good families leave IPS ( my friend did just today) because they can't wait on that list another day in the boundary school they are in, then guess what?  IT"S NOT ENOUGH!

" the district will not fund such programs once those schools are turned over by the state to private operators."
I guess this is where I would have really liked to talk to the Superintendent and ask some questions.  Because if all of the story is printed, then I agree......mostly.  I am not sure we should remove anything from those schools that they use in their curriculum.  However, I don't see why IPS should foot the bill for sports or other extracurricular activities.  Again, this could have been a great discussion.

"The IPS board gave its blessing last month for the district to sue, but White said he had a change of heart."
Two things here.  One- I wouldn't call a 4-3 vote a blessing.  But, whatever.  As one of those who voted against - part of me wanted to jump on my chair  and yell, "I told you so."  No one would have heard me, but it would have made me feel better for about 30 seconds.  Until I calmed down and realized there is no gain in feeling like I was right.  The gain comes by knowing we won't waste a TON of money on litigation.  And regardless of what was said at the Action Session about it not costing IPS anything, I knew it would. 

So, where do we go from here?  Well, forward it the best way to go.  IPS should try and take a few steps forward, and dare I say we walk humbly. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Is there a future for Indianapolis Public Schools?" By Stephen Hyatt

This was written and sent to me by Stephen Hyatt.  Steve served on the IPS School Board from 1986-1994.  He practices law here in Indianapolis and is a graduate of Tech H.S.  His children attended IPS schools as well.   I wanted to share this on my blog, because I think Steve hit the nail on the head.  He gets it.  So, I thank him for writing it, I thank him for sharing it, and I thank him for allowing me to share it.  It needs to be read.  

It is 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.  I awoke at 2:45, and there was no prospect of going back to sleep.  Did the normal morning things, but the small comforts of routine didn’t help much.  I cannot shake the sick feeling.

The events of the past few days in IPS have left me with a mixture of depression, anger, sadness, and worry about the future of a way of life that I have embraced.

Here’s the thing.  In jest I have often said that “I love public education the way that nuns love the Lord”.

But the fact is, I adore the whole idea of public education.

Maybe I cling to a fantasy of something that never was.  But, I remember snippets of my early public education-- the first moment I knew I could read, the thrill of getting to wear the Indian headdress for good behavior in Mrs. Mahoney’s 3rd grade, Melba Pickett yelling “lest we forget” in the hallway (and all of us reciting by rote the preamble to the Constitution), Gray Y basketball, the community feeling of a public grade school in the 1950s.

My public high school did the best it could with me; and I think gave me a foundation upon which university, professional school, and life could build.

Ultimately, I matured, had my own family, and watched my children receive their public educations.  My expectations were that the public schools in my city would continue to deliver a quality education.  I neverfelt that they were letting me, and my children down.  My wife and I pitched in.  We were active parents and did what we could to be supportive of the schools and our children’s teachers.

By and large, I was not disappointed.  I am pleased with the adults that my children became and am secure in the belief that their public schooling contributed a great deal to their success as adults.

I harbor those same expectations for my grandchildren..  For the boys in Monticello, I am not too worried.  It looks as if the schools there are still functioning on a reassuring level.

But here in Indianapolis?

We have seen it coming and so should, I suppose, be somewhat inured to it finally happening.  But consider this:  Indianapolis Public Schools has been stripped of control of four of its schools.  IPS, its administrators, teachers and most importantly, its elected leaders, have been deemed incompetent by the State of Indiana to supply an education to thousands of children.

This is the public school system to which my parents, without a second thought,  entrusted the education of their children.  This is the school system to which my wife and I, without misgivings but with watchful eyes and helping hands, entrusted the education of our children.  This is the public school system to which I had hoped my own children would entrust the education of my grandchildren.

And the reaction of the elected leaders of the school system?  Sue the State and extend the contract of the Superintendant.


Where is the apology?  Where is the soul searching?

I do realize that there is much to criticize in the methods used by the State to brand IPS as incompetent.  Did politics play a part?  Probably.  Are there any number of other factors that come into play affecting the quality of schools?  Of course.

When you come down to it though, the fact is that there are rules, and those rules apply to all public schools.  We may not like them, but there they are and everyone knows them.  The State Department of Education didn’t manufacture data out of whole cloth.  IPS gave the Department the ammunition the Department needed in order to shoot down any thought that IPS was up to the job of providing a quality education.

IPS complains that it is stuck with educating masses of poverty stricken children, and that the plight of the children makes it more difficult to obtain great results.

That is true.  It is also true that Fort Wayne, South Bend and Evansville are urban areas with concentrations of children living in poverty.  All of their public schools remain under the control of local school leadership.

IPS complains of competition from charter schools that rob it of children and the money that follows them.  It is a valid complaint; but is, nevertheless, a self inflicted wound.

The sad fact is that IPS is in the situation that it is in because of choices its leaders continue to make—again and again.

There are bright spots in IPS.  Montessori schools, Centers for Inquiry—both options have waiting lists and produce wonderful results.  The children who attend those schools have parents who invest the time and effort necessary to assure quality public education for their children while continuing to live in Indianapolis neighborhoods.  You’ve only to talk with some of those parents to discover how pleased they are with the choices they have made.

But what else does IPS offer those moms and dads?  Where do they send their children to high school?  Howe?  Arlington?

How about Broad Ripple?  But even it has a “partner” because it isn’t deemed to be competent to run its own affairs without state help.
No, I am afraid that their simply is no good IPS choice for a caring parent.  They will choose a private or charter high school, or a public one outside the IPS district.  (Caring, informed parents know that this is now possible without extra cost)

IPS has refused to do what is necessary to attract the sort of families that it now decries that it doesn’t have.  

If further erosion of the schools is to be prevented;  IPS must accept that attracting quality students and their families has to be a priority.  Don’t tell me this is racist.  Don’t tell me that IPS must care for the least among us.

These are PUBLIC schools—open to everyone.   Why should caring families be excluded?  Why should smart kids have to look elsewhere?

No one in IPS will agree that these exclusions occur—but everyone with any experience in IPS knows that they do.  If not, IPS would not complain that an 80% poverty rate keeps it from scoring well.  It wouldn’t have an 80% poverty rate.

I do believe that all members of the IPS Board of School Commissioners and the IPS administration are caring, well meaning people.  They work hard, and they try.

But they have failed.  With thanks for their hard work and  admiration for their dedication, it is time that they be replaced.  The present school board will not make the changes necessary.  Recall that it voted to extend Eugene White’s contract as soon as it learned that its schools would be taken.  Dr. White is so wedded to his own vision that he recommended suing the State to prevent it exercising its statutory duty.  They are all well meaning, but glued to a vision that has failed and will continue to fail.

The one hope left to restore any semblance of excellence to IPS, to bring back quality public education to our neighborhoods and to restore the confidence of committed parents is wholesale change.  A new majority of the Board and a new superintendent are necessary.

And the best way to assure that is to start with the Board.  Currently, there is a 4 to 3 majority that favors Dr. White’s discredited vision.  Only one member need be replaced.

The goal for the next few months is to soberly evaluate who among the 4 is the most vulnerable and to recruit a replacement who is committed to a new vision for IPS and who has the energy and enthusiasm to run, and after election, to carry on the hard work of restoring IPS.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If she could see me now..........

My mother died when I was only 12.  I was the youngest.  Growing up my parents were kinda strict, especially with "bad" words.  I once got my mouth washed out with soap for saying "bull".  There was a list of them we couldn't say.  I'm not talking cuss words, we wouldn't even think about those.   I am merely talking about what my parents perceived as "bad" words such as; bull, bullmahonkey, shoot, and sucks.  So, I can only imagine my mother's reaction to me being on several news stations, saying the word SUCKS.

I don't always say the right things, and I definitely need to work on my articulation, but I was mad.  My emotions get the best of me at times.

That night was a big night for votes.  We voted on the Budget, the Super's contract, and the go ahead to appeal to the state.  I voted no on all three. I can clarify my reasons.

Budget - This year we received the budget in plenty of time, and it was posted on the website as promised for the public to view.  However, I believe IPS is spending too much at 120 Walnut and more funds need to make it to the classroom.  And until I see changes, sacrifices at the top, then that will be my vote. 

Super's Contract-  I simply stated that IPS needs new leadership.  I whole-heartedly believe this to be true.  Nothing personal, but I can not see IPS recovering from the current state with the current superintendent.

Appeal of our schools- I have to say, I am sick about these schools being taken over.  I hate it.  It is damaging to communities, staff, families, and most of all students.  I went to s school that was closed (Howe 1995) and I know the lack of focus the staff will have this year.  Howe is one of the schools being taken over, my school, my parents school.  I want to fight.  I want to march and write letters.  I want to sue.  But I made a promise to do what was in the best interest of children, all children.  And fighting isn't the answer.  Instead I am going to focus on building relationships with the Turn Around School Operators.  I am going to get involved in my community, as I encourage everyone to get involved in theirs.  As a Board Member I am going to ask how I can help, and I am going to listen.  There's no time for pointing fingers. 
I regret how this was all handled.  It makes me extremely sad to think had this been taken seriously the outcome might have been different.  It shames me to know this takeover is happening on my watch. 

I don't agree with everything Dr. White has done, and I don't agree with everything Dr. Bennett has done, however, it is time that adults act like adults.  Children must come first.  All children.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Music to my ears

I have been accused, and probably just so, for mostly posting the negatives stories about IPS.  Of course I don't intend it that way, it just happens to be a stress reliever.

Well, today I heard some information that made me extremely proud to be an IPS parent and Board Member.  My son started a new school last week.  Today his music teacher called me to ask if he had an instrument at home.  He signed up to play the violin, and though I own one it is not the right size.  Through this brief conversation with his teacher I found out that there weren't enough instruments for the children to take home for practice.  She said they will try and get more.  I asked how do they try and get more.  And she said through grants or scholarships.  I remember some budget cuts a few months back in the music department and I was extremely concerned about this kind of issue arising.  The Superintendent assured me there were plenty of instruments and people just needed to call him.  So I did.  I left a message.

In the mean time, I found a great place that sold and rented instruments, including violins.  The deal was too good to pass up, so we are now equipped with a tiny violin.  Seriously, a great deal.  I chatted with the owner while he rang me up.  I told him my daughter's school doesn't start instrumental music until 5th grade, and I felt lucky that my son could start in 2nd.  He then told me that Warren Township doesn't start until7th because of budget restraints.  I have not verified this information yet, but I was very pleased that IPS has fought for keeping the music in the schools.  We have several programs that start younger than 5th grade for instrumental music!!!!!

Once I retuend home from errand running I received a call from the Super.  I told him the situation, and reminded him what he said.  He didn't hesitate to look into the matter and help. 

Now, I am not just calling because this was my son's school.  I would call for any school.  In fact, now that we have an instrument here for him, there is no concern for us. 

Anyway, these little moments remind me of the great programs and opportunities IPS has to offer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day of School, First Day of School, First Day of School.....

And by now many of you should be thinking of a little orange fish jumping around an anemone.

Monday was the first day of school for IPS students.  My kids go to IPS.  There's something about the first day of school.  An excitement for the unknown.  This year was a big one for our family especially for my son who started a new school.  
Every year we take our kids out to breakfast on the first day.  For some reason we were just pushing the clock this year.  We head to our favorite breakfast spot downtown, fill our meters.  Two meters, we had to drive separate.  And we get to the front door to read the sign saying the restaurant is closed until Tuesday.  C.R.A.P.  We find another place to eat, figure out parking as all our change is now gone.  We had an enjoyable meal  and our kids make it to school on time and everything worked out.  Even if my son got syrup all over his white polo, it still worked out. 
They both walked out of the house with stuffed backpacks, new and still clean lunch boxes,  bright polos, and eager faces.  Pictures were taken.  The teachers were ready, waiting, and greeting everyone with a warm smile and a "welcome back."  It really is an exciting time.  Everyone gets a fresh start.  I remember starting the new year, thinking this was it, the year I keep my Trapper Keeper organized.  I never did, but that first day I believed I could. 
I heard of some glitches with the buses, but overall I have heard the first few days went really well.  I hope everyone had a good experience and feel free to share either way.

Thank you to all of the teachers who work so hard at setting up their rooms and getting it all ready for our children!

Anything Goes

I have so much to blog about but I will start with the meeting last night with Indiana Superintendent of schools Tony Bennett.  This meeting was set up for the IPS school Board to speak with Dr. Bennett about the 6 schools that remain on the takeover list.  Not all six schools will necesarily be "taken over" but all 6 will have intervention of some kind.
Tony Bennett rightly criticized the IPS school board in his opening comments.   He used words such as "disheartened" and "frustrating" when he shared his feelings on the board waiting until August 8th to hold this meeting, just a few weeks away from his proposal to the state board.  Dr. Bennett went into a few details about other school boards and how they reached out to him early on, and became integrated into this process.  We did not. 
The main points of the discussion were Dr. White saying the state should not count the 7th and 8th graders test scores  at the community H.S.'s because  they lowered the overall results of the high school students.  If removed the high schools would have made it off probation.  Tony Bennett countered with the argument that if Dr. White believed this to be the case, why is he waiting until this moment, the last minute, to appeal that formula.  Why not bring this up 2 years ago or 6 years ago.   Also there are 144 other community schools that follow the same criteria and they are not on the failing list.
The IPS Board members asked questions throughout the meeting.  Some very good questions, and some....other questions.   Near the end of the meeting I shared some thoughts.  I thought the public should know that a few of the board members were interested in meeting with Dr. Bennett months ago.  However the majority of the board wouldn't support it.  I told Tony Bennett that should not be an excuse. I'm not sure how people took what I said, but I meant it should have not been an excuse for me to stop trying.  Nothing prevented me from picking up the phone and calling Dr. Bennett myself.  He is a very approachable person.  But I didn't do it.  I admitted last night that I was embarrassed, ashamed, and sorry. 
That statement from me caused some issues.   I was told I threw the other board members under the bus.  I was told I was unprofessional.  I was told I was an embarrassment.  The fact is, none of that is true.  I told the truth and they don't like it.  Those board members made the decision to not meet with Dr. Bennett.  I didn't make it for them, I just informed the public.  I believe the public has a right to know.  I also admitted that I was wrong as well.
So what now?  Dr. White has appealed to the State Board regarding the 7th and 8th graders result.  We should hear back from that in two weeks.  Also the meeting that the state board will take a vote on our 6 years will be on August 29 and August 30 at 9am. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

IPS Online


That's about all I have to say about that.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

UPDATE: Meeting with Dr. Bennett

THe IPS School Board will meet with Tony Bennett on Monday August 8th at 5:30pm in the Board room.  This meeting is open to the public.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer lovin' had me a blast

So, I haven't blogged in a bit.  There are a few reasons for that. 

1)  My life.  I love the summer with my kiddos.  And as it winds down to an end I feel panicky and I want to spend as much time doing fun things together.  Two of my kids attend IPS and start school on August 8th.  This week we spent a lot of time buying school supplies and trying on uniforms.  And to save you time- NO ONE has white poster board in stock.  Trust me, I've looked. 

2) There have been a lot of ups and downs with the school board lately.  I have been a little negative to blog about the good, and a little too frustrated to blog about the bad. 

So what's going on?

Budget-The budget will be advertised tonight.  My hope is that there will be a way for the public to view the budget this year, as we were promised.  Last year was a nightmare.  However the board received the budget in full at least a week ago, maybe it was two weeks ago.  A definite improvement from last year.

First Day- School starts August 8th.  Bus assignments are going out.  Though I had a little hiccup with mine.   I had a concern of my bus stop placements for my children.  THey are 4 blocks apart from one another, and ten minutes apart in pick up time, which I can't be at both places.  One stop is a long walk, and over a working railroad.  I called in to talk to someone about my options, and I called transportation like any parent would at 226-4500.  My first operator was rude and short with me, unwilling to really listen.  When I asked to speak to a supervisor I was told he was on the phone.  I stated I would wait.  Then I was told he was in a meeting.  Long story short I was hung up on.  Twice.  Eventually I found a great person in transportation who helped me.

State Takeover-  Now we know, 6 schools remain on state takeover list.  Now this doesn't mean that all 6 will be taken, but all six will have some intervention from the state.  They will decide what schools will have what kind of intervention at their board meeting at the end of August.  Months ago a few board members shared an interest with the rest of the board in meeting with Tony Bennett.  That idea wasn't 100% supported and was put off until after the hearings.  After several more weeks of trying to move this along I think we are finally getting somewhere.  More to come.......

Board Retreat - The Board and Dr White along with Dr. Giles spent a good chunk of the weekend at the board retreat.  This is a great time to catch up on updates.  We discussed the Gambold Preparatory H.S. that will open in the fall of 2012, district lines for school board members that will need to change, Budget Reductions, lots of other topics, and this blog.  Yep, this blog.

One item we discussed was the IPS School Board Open House.  This was my idea, though at the retreat it was said something has been done like this before.  I sent an email out a few months ago with an ideas for a way to invite and encourage our parents and community members to attend a meeting and see who their representatives are and see what we do.  I was thinking we could set up before the 7pm meeting with food, and give people time to meet their board members.  Only 2 board members responded to the email.  I brought it up in person as well.  I was ignored.  Seriously, Jr. High kind of ignoring.  Bold faced ignoring.  (part of the bad)  However, when brought up at the retreat Dr. White was very supportive and offered much assistance in the planning.  (part of the good)  So set your calendars for October 25Th at 6pm!!!!

My energy- I have felt quite drained the last month or so with the school board.  I think because while school is going on I get such enjoyment out of visiting schools and seeing the students.  During the summer, it is mostly just the adults in IPS that I have been seeing.  I really look forward to getting back in the routine as far as a being board member goes.  But sad to say good bye to summer as far as being a mom goes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some like it hot, somelike it not!

A few days ago the board met in a Design Overview meeting.  At this meeting we discussed renovations at various schools.   We are able to tour several of these newly renovated schools on August 3rd, traveling by bus.  I suggested that we ride in a non-air-conditioned bus.  This is just 5 days before school starts and 70% of our students will be riding on these buses.  I am concerned for the safety of our students in this crazy heat.  By riding the bus ourselves we can access if this is manageable, what steps need to be taken to make the ride more comfortable, and how hot does it really get.   I barely got the entire thought out before a board member stated she would drive herself if we had to ride without A.C.  I am not going to mention names, but 4 board members refused the idea.
I want to remind everyone, these just aren't your kids on these buses, they are mine too.  I have a fair skinned little red-head that gets heat exhaustion quicker than we can catch it.  I want to see how bad it really will be.  But 4 board members feel they are too good to be placed in that situation.  The same situation they feel is ok to place your child, my child in on a daily basis.  There is something that really gets me about the fact that none of the board members that refused have small children anymore.  In fact, one has never had children.  So I guess they have no real reason to care.  To say the least, I'm a little hot about it.  :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

My time HAS come

Another blow.

Committee assignments came out today.  We have 4 committees and a board member chairs each committee, this can not be the board president.
I asked to be given the opportunity to chair a committee.  Any committee.
That request was denied.  I have a few concerns with this.

1) In just over a year, there will be another School Board Election.  If by chance all 4 board membes up for re-election lose, that leaves only three seasoned board members.  Two of them, myself included, have been prevented from having any kind of leadership on the board.  No experience chairing a committee or running a meeting.  If the president of the board was really looking out for the best interest of the students, wouldn't they want ALL board members to be prepared???

2)What are they so afraid of?  Seriously!  What (or who) are they protecting?

3) This can't be what the people want.  I don't hear the public screaming, "Great job IPS, keep doing everything the SAME!!!"

4) We are 7 elected officials and all need to represent the people.  If it were meant to only have 4 opinions, then the board would have had only 4 members.   Let us do our job. 

So, here are the appointments from last year....

Chairperson - Commissioner Arnold   Chairperson - Commissioner Busch
Commissioner Roof   Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Zaphiriou   Commissioner Roof
Ex Officio - President Gore   Ex Officio - President Gore
Chairperson - Commissioner Zaphiriou   Chairperson - Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Adair-White   Commissioner Adair-White
Commissioner Busch   Commissioner Arnold
Ex Officio - President Gore   Ex Officio - President Gore

And this year.....

Chairperson - Commissioner Arnold   Chairperson - Commissioner Zaphiriou
Commissioner Adair-White   Commissioner Gore
Commissioner Zaphiriou   Commissioner Roof
Ex Officio - President Busch   Ex Officio - President Busch
Chairperson - Commissioner Gore   Chairperson - Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Arnold   Commissioner Adair-White
Commissioner Brown   Commissioner Roof
Ex Officio - President Busch   Ex Officio - President Busch

I just received this today.  So, I decided to call the president of the board and ask why my request was denied.

I was told many reasons. It went something like this.....

 There are only 4 chair positions.   (Yes, but why must the same people chair every time????)

Your behavior and comments the other night were out of line and rude.  (Remember, I told them to shove it next time they wanted to talk to be about being a team.  I said this after it was evident the four of the went behind our backs and made all the decisions without including us.)

 The others will do a better job.  ( how do you know unless I get the opportunity)

Your time will come.  (What????)

At this moment I assured the president that my time HAD come.  It came when I was elected. 

The president of the board isn't doing this for these reasons.  I assure you.  This is because I am not "with" them.  This is because I vote against the Superintendent.  This is because I speak my mind and they don't like it.
IPS hasn't been criticized this much by the public in years.  Our schools are on take-over lists.  And I assure you it isn't because of me.  My time has come, and it is now. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Broken Board

Yes, I am finally saying it out loud.

A year ago I started this journey of serving on the IPS school board.  I knew there were problems and I knew there would be some roadblocks.  I assumed there would be personality differences.  But I had no idea the board was broken.  You may wonder, what does that mean?  Well, there are 7 elected officials.  Five serving districts and two at large.  Each Board member represents those persons in their district.  (They are suppose to listen and represent their constituents.)   Three of the longest serving board members ran unopposed in their last elections.

It is no secret that the board is usually split.  Sometimes 5-2 sometimes 4-3.  The same four ALWAYS being on the same side, the side of the Superintendent.  In fact, one board member has said that they will NEVER vote against the Super.  And those that do are met with criticism, insult, and are excluded.  I am not talking about a Jr. High kind of exclusion, I could care less about being someone's friend.  But we have been excluded from emails, conversations, and important information is not being shared. 

Most recently I saw how dysfunctional this board is.  These 4 board members hijacked the process of electing officers of the board.  Two members, on the other side of the split, showed interest in holding the president and vice president spot.  Those 4 wouldn't allow that.  The same members are just rotating the positions and not allowing anyone new to sit in these seats.  

Here is a list of the officers from past several years.  It's like Groundhog Day.

‎2011-2012 President Busch, Vice Brown.   
2010-2011 President Gore, Vice Zaphiriou. 
2009-2010 President Brown, Vice Gore. 
2008-2009 President Busch, Vice Zaphiriou. 
2007-2008 President Busch, Vice Zaphirou. 
2006-2007 President Campbell, Vice Busch. 
2005-2006 President Brown, Vice Campbell.

The public is NOT being represented by this board.  Those 4 board members are silencing the other three, in effect, silencing the public we represent.  At a time when the public is begging for change and IPS has 7 failing schools, one would think we would think outside the box and try new leadership on the board.  This is simply another year lost.  I apologize to the people of this city and I fear for our children. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This year, I am going through my first real process of electing officers.  IPS has a President, Vice President, and a Secretary.  I decided months ago to run for Vice-President.  I didn't really know how to go about sharing my interest, so I sent an email.
I never received any response.  So at a training session with someone from the Indiana School Board Association I brought up a few questions.  Mainly, when, where, and how do we discuss these positions.  I was told to bring it up at a Committee Meeting and discuss it there.
So I did.  And when I did I was met with harsh criticism about how this is the wrong time and not the place, and NOT how it has always been done.  Weeks later I am calm and collected, however that night I was not.  I asked why in the world wasn't this brought up in front of the person from ISBA?  Why wait until I bring it up here and make me look like a fool?  I proceeded to share that this was the strangest behavior out of professional adults I have ever encountered.  Basically, I was mad.

Since then there has been no discussion on the matter.  As a group we have not come together to hear one another and our reasons for the interest in a specific position.   So what do we have?

3 people wanting President.
1 wanting Vice-President
0 wanting Secretary

How do we serve our students and the people of this city to the best of our ability if we can't even do this?  As far as I know this is the first time in several years so many Board Members have ran for the office of President.

This morning I sent an email to the rest of the Board. Here is a small part of it....

"I am so tired of this Board being restricted to "past practice" or the "way we've always done it".  Times change, and we need to be willing to change with them to be successful.  We can't keep doing the same thing year after year, and expect different results.  And we NEED different results."

I may have just lost some votes.......

Monday, June 13, 2011

State Takeover

I have attended several of the meetings for State Takeover.  But tonight I spoke.  I will post my thoughts on the whole topic soon, but for now I will share my brief 3 minute speech.
Greetings Dr. Bennett, Dr. WHite, and members of the Board.

My name is Annie Roof. 

I stand before you today for many personal reasons.  First, This is my community.  I was born and raised in Irvington, and my husband and I chose to raise our family here as well.  I am also, and will always be a Howe HS Hornet.  My siblings were Hornets, my uncles, and my parents. In fact, if it weren't for Howe I wouldn't be here, as Howe is where my parents met.  My children wouldn't be here either, as this is where I met my husband.   I graduated in 1995, the year Howe (temporarily)  closed.  My interest in IPS is more than just my past.  I have 3 children.  Two who are current IPS students, and one in preschool.  THe diversity of programs that IPS offers is unmatchable.  No one can compare.  My oldest child is flourishing in the magnet school she attends.  My son, however, needed something a little more.  Next year he heads off to Sidener, the top rated school in I-Step scores for the entire state.  And then there's my youngest.  She has received special services through IPS and will continue to do so.  She works with amazing therapist in hopes to get her ready to start kindergarten in the fall of 2012.  Where else can all these needs  be met in one district?   
And lastly, I am an IPS school board member.  To me, it is very scary to take local government from these communities.  There is a school board that the community can go to, and meetings where they can speak.  I know at times they don't feel they are listened to.  Believe me, I know that.  I didn't join the Board because I thought it was perfect.  But these communities, evident by these meetings, are involved, they care, and they want that voice.  Communities ABSOLUTELY should have local control over their schools.  It has been brought up before, but I also am concerned with the lack of diversity on your board.  That board does not represent IPS and who we are.  
 But, there are problems.  Make no mistake we got in this position for a reason.  Poor decisions have been made.   IPS and the decisions made have often been described as changing the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic.   If that's true, then the State is the life boat.  We never thought we needed it, it's never been tested, and no one knows what to do once we all get on it.  
Because of that I can't choose any of your numbers.  But I have 3 of my own.  
1) No matter what decisions are made, the absolute must is putting the needs of children first.  Not businesses, not politicians, not someone in a fancy suit.  But the children of this city.  The children that no matter how many times they are lumped with the likeness of everyone else, I want to assure you they are not.  
2) If anyone wants success out of these schools, they have to include input from the community, parents, teachers, but most of all, the students.  It doesn't work starting from the top down.  
3) Stability.  Stability is simply a must.

I want to thank you for your time tonight.  I want to thank you for hosting these meetings.  And I want to thank this great community for coming.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

True to Myself

I never thought I would be the person who gets caught up in feeling so important that I forget why I wanted to be on the school board.  I want to be the person that connects with our parents and the public.  Now, I am not saying other people can't be the same way, this is just my goal for myself. 
I try to remain level headed and grounded.  I do this a few different ways. 
At public, neighborhood meetings I choose to not sit by the other Board members.  Nothing personal really.  But I find I get much more out of the meeting if I do this.  Most people don't know who I am, and I don't expect them to.  So I hear their comments.  Their true, uncensored comments. 
Lately I have been sitting in the Board Room before the meeting starts.  Not in my chair, but on the main floor with everyone else.  I feel their excitement if their child is getting a recognition.  I also remember how I felt as a nervous parent getting ready to speak.  And I also see how far away we, the board members, are from the very people we represent.  Getting closer was a goal of mine from the beginning, yet I haven't gotten very far.  Change can be very hard for some people. 
Anyway, I write this because I recently received an email that made me feel like I am actually getting it right.  That I am reaching people who otherwise wouldn't of been reached.   So tonight, I sleep well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pomp and Circumstance or Pompous Circumstance

Several emails have come in today regarding the date changes of graduation ceremonies.  For my out of town readers, let me update you.

Because of the 4 Snow days IPS occurred the school year has been extended by 3 days. 
Up until last year IPS has had no issue with graduating the seniors early even those students then fall short of the 180 required says of school.  Last year our State Superintendent, Dr. Tony Bennett, made IPS submit a waiver so these seniors could graduate with less than 180 days, making it clear that in the future the full 180 days would be expected.
Even without the three make up days IPS needed to submit another waiver.  The waiver was denied.  Now several graduation times and dates have been changed, just a few weeks away from the original schedule.  This is leaving families in terrible predicaments.  Many have friends and other family members coming from out of state.   Flights have been booked, hotels have been booked, and parties have been planned. Now so many will be out time and money, and may miss this special occasion entirely. 
The superintendent can speak for himself and our president can speak on behalf of the board.  But I speak for me.  This is a huge mistake made and then made worse by mere pride.  I don't believe IPS should be pointing fingers elsewhere.  This should have been expected and dealt with months ago. 
On behalf of myself I want to apologize to all of our families and students who have been negatively affected by these changes.  I know how I would feel had this happened to one of my children, and I am truly sorry.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Start in your own backyard

First of all, let me say how ashamed I am that it has been SO LONG since I have written.  Maybe only three people read this, but I really want to be open and inclusive in this process.

Lots of hot topics right now, but leading the pack is the BUDGET.  Funny how I hate that word in my home, and I am beginning to hate it at work.  Only because when the word "budget" is brought up at either place, bad news always follows.

I was out of town when Amos aired asking, Where were the board members?  Well, there is no secret where I stand.  I don't think central Office has sacrificed much at all, I don't believe administrators who make a (more than) comfortable salary have done enough, and I think the Superintendent should have started with himself, long ago.

I have no problem making tough decisions or unpopular ones.  There will come a time when a school has to be closed and more teachers laid off.  I am not taking the easy way out, as some have stated.  When the proposal is right, and fair, then I will support it.   But as long as the proposals set before me are grossly unfair to the students, teachers, taxpayers, and parents of IPS, it will NOT be supported by me.

I make no apologies for my bluntness, and my opinion is not private.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The questions unasked.

There always seems to be some "heat" on school systems, school boards, and their superintendents.  There probably always will be.  Wayne Township is under the microscope right now with the Superintendents retirement package, and the Board's spending habits while in the middle of huge budget cuts.  I decided to attend their Board Meeting last night.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to also see how their Board handled this kind of situation.

They met in a different location than they normally do, so there was room for everyone who wanted to attend.  At first it was standing room only.  There were several student recognitions. (that is a separate blog)  Once those were complete the room emptied out a little.  At that time, I found a seat. 

One thing I appreciated about this meeting is that anyone who wanted to sign up to speak could do so that night.  There was a sheet in the hall, and anyone could sign up.  Right before the delegations started the Superintendent, Dr. Butts, gave another opportunity for anyone to sign up.  Two individuals did so.  And again, after the last delegate spoke Dr Butts gave yet ANOTHER opportunity for anyone to speak.  BRAVO to being so willing to hear from the public and NOT keep them at arms length. 

I would say everyone who spoke showed disappointed with the Board Members and their failure to do their job properly.  Some were supportive, forgiving and were ready to look to fixing the problems.  Other were angry, less forgiving and demanded the Board Members step down immediately.  Some shed tears.  All wished the Board would have asked more questions. Many stated they had simply lost trust in the Board. 

This got me thinking.....

The Wayne Township Board trusted their Superintendent and didn't question things.  And now there is a much bigger problem.  The community has lost faith in their School Board.

Since being sworn in on the IPS School Board I have asked my share of questions.  Because of this I have received some not so favorable emails, and I have felt as an outsider.  There seems to be this undertone that if you question anything, you are being disrespectful.
It is not easy for me to go to a meeting with the knowledge that it could be heated.  In fact, I hate it.  But I was elected to ask the tough questions and to inquire when something doesn't quite add up.  I may be proven wrong in my concerns at times and that is ok.  I know one thing for sure, I never want to be in the position that the Wayne Township Board members were in, I would rather ask one too many questions than one too few, no matter who I tick off while doing so. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parent Power

I attended (most of) the parent power meeting today at 10am.  They will have another one tonight at 6pm.  I will add the information below if someone is interested in attending.
I think this group is exactly what IPS needs right now.  I believe the term I heard to today was, "friendly critic".  Or something like that.  There were parents and community members present today. 

Just a little info...
Parent Power’s Vision : Empower parents to become informed decision makers in the process of educating our children. To provide parents training in leadership so they will be empowered to be leaders in schools.

THis is a great place for parents or community members that want to do something, but don't know what.  For persons with concerns and questions, but no answers.  This is not an angry group that wants to sit around and complain.  They want to focus on a concern, find solutions, and implement change.  They recognize the good in IPS,  as many choose IPS for their children.  If you want to get involved, this is a great palce to start.

They have a facebook page as well.!/pages/Parent-Power-Indianapolis/113715475354342?v=wall

Meeting Information -

Wednesday Feb.23rd

Points of Discussion:
~IPS $530 MILLION Budget
~Where/ How to look up information on your child's school academic performance
~Parent's definition of Invovlement
~Parents and Radical Education Reform

37 PLACE (IPS #37)
2605 E. 25th St
Indianapolis, IN 46218

Sunday, February 20, 2011


On Feb. 14th the IPS School Board held a Special Called Meeting.  I disagreed with this meeting for many reasons.  This meetings one and only purpose was to (re)vote on the proposal submitted by Dr. White on the personnel changes.  I thought (along with other Board members) that this should just be added to the meeting on Feb. 15th for these reasons:
1) It will save money. 
2) Although both meetings were open to the public, the meeting on the 14th was not video taped and therefore not available for viewing for anyone other than who attended the meeting.

THe money issue was a concern for other Board members as well.
One Board Member refused payment.  I decided to take this money and donate it to a school.  This could be an individual teacher used for a classroom, a sports team, PTSA, for Field trips, anything.  It is not a lot of money, but I don't feel right keeping payment for a 17 minute meeting.  And 3 of those minutes were me complaining about having the meeting. 

So if you know of anyone who could use this money please leave a comment or email me at

I am not the only Board Member donating this payment, so if is ok I would like to forward any suggestions on.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Things coming up

There are a lot of things happening right now.   There are the vouchers, Charter School Bill, and State Takeover.  Personally I think one of these could really damage IPS.  I can only imagine what would happen if all three of these happen. 

THere are some thing happening right now that IPS has control over, and we need your input!


IPS will host two public meetings to share the need for proposed cuts to the 2012 budget. The first is Feb. 24 in the cafeteria of George Washington Community High School, 2215 W. Washington St.; the second is March 9 at Arlington Community High School, 4825 N. Arlington Ave. Both meetings begin at 6 p.m. IPS must cut $15 million from the General Fund budget. Superintendent Eugene G. White will share proposed cuts and seek community feedback on the plan.

Now, I am glad these meetings are being held.  When we went through his last year I attended the budget cut meetings, and I think the parent input made a difference.  However,  why aren't we getting the proposal of the budget cuts before this meeting?  That way we can be informed and ready to ask questions. 

On another note:
It seems that the Magnet School Acceptance letters started arriving in mailboxes yesterday.  Good luck to everyone. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The dumb things I say.....

So, I do make mistakes.  A few months ago I sent an email to a parent that was quite harsh.  I made a mistake, and I talked to this person to clear the air.  I'm not a perfect person, and won't be a perfect Board Member, but I can be honest and learn from those moments.
I am not great about being on camera.  In fact, I hate it.  I talk with my hands, I say "ummm", and  I get flustered and I say some dumb things.
The other night I was sharing how I went to see the Faculty musical, Once Upon a Mattress, at Tech.  It was a good show, fun for the students to see their teachers on stage.  I took two of my kids with me and they enjoyed it as well.  Tech started doing these shows when Howe and Washington closed in 1995, and Tech got several new faculty members.  They decided putting on a musical together would be the ultimate way to get to know one another.  I wanted to say how wonderful it was that these teachers, deans, counselors, and so forth, stepped outside of their comfort zone to put on these shows.  But instead, I said, "well, no one is going to Broadway."

Yep, gonna get some emails about that one.

3 minutes

Last night was the Briefing Session for February.  Dr. White was out of town, so Dr. Giles stepped in for him.  We had several important items on the agenda.  We also had one person signed up to address the Board.  Anyone can sign up to speak at the Briefing or the Action Session.  You must call the Board Secretary to do so.
I have complained several times that the delegation section of the meeting is at the end of the meeting.  We are a district with a majority of single parents.  Poor families.  How many of our parents have the time to come downtown, wait for an hour or two, with their children, to address the Board?  I have felt that we are excluding them by doing this and making it difficult for them to speak.  We have had someone leave in the middle of the meeting because they could no longer wait.
Last night we had a parent wait to speak. This person waited an hour and twenty minutes.  Speaking at a meeting is not easy.  I know, I have done it.  For one thing, by the time you are addressing the Board one is usually emotional.  Two, there is a big camera in your face the entire time.  Three, you are being timed.
Even if you time yourself at home and you stay in that three minute window, once you are there it is more difficult.  Last night, the alarm beeped, and the parent was stopped.
I requested that we let him continue, and pointed out that he waited an hour and twenty minutes, and he was almost done.  The Board President said no to this request, stating that he knew he only had three minutes.  I couldn't believe it.  Why do we treat our parents like this?  If something goes wrong in the system the parents are blamed.  Blamed for not being involved.  And yet when they try, like last night, we treat them with such disrespect.
During my time for comments I shared my frustration and disappointment.  IPS has to stop keeping parents at arms length.

The ins and outs

This is just a quick tidbit of the Board and their duties.   There are seven elected official, 5 representing districts and 2 At-large members.  I happen to be one of the at-Large members.  The term is a 4 year term.
The IPS School Board is a paid position.  Not all boards receive payments, we do.  I won't go into details, however two things; 1) This is public information, 2) I made more waiting tables.
We have 4 committees that meet on a monthly basis, they are Legislative, Resource, Education, and Policy.   All these meetings are open to the public.  The Board also holds a Briefing Session.  This is the meeting where we discuss and ask questions.  The following week we hold the Action Session.  This is when we vote.  Sometimes we are asked to vote on an issue at the Briefing that is time sensitive.  We also hold Executive Sessions.  These are off the record, closed door meetings.  These meetings are held to discuss two main things, Personnel and the Superintendents contract.  The Board also holds 2-3 retreats a year.  Retreats are usually held on a Friday night and all day on the following Saturday.  We do not stay at a hotel.  We are provided meals during this time.  These are also open to the public.
Board Members are not paid to attend community meetings or events.  Board Members no longer receive catered dinners as they did in the past.
I think that is the basic information, if you have questions please ask.  Remember, I am learning as I go.

First Post

I am starting a blog.  And this is it.
I have been an IPS School Board member since July 1, 2010.  I have decided to blog about my experience so others can see what it is I do.  I will try to be as candid as possible, being honest about regrets that I have or mistakes that I have made.  I will be respectful to my fellow Board members and not use any of their names, but I will blog about the Board as a whole and certain circumstances.  I will show respect to the Superintendent, but I will be open about my concerns.  And lastly, I will not allow any comments that attack any of these persons on a personal level.
Welcome to my world.