Thursday, September 1, 2011

If she could see me now..........

My mother died when I was only 12.  I was the youngest.  Growing up my parents were kinda strict, especially with "bad" words.  I once got my mouth washed out with soap for saying "bull".  There was a list of them we couldn't say.  I'm not talking cuss words, we wouldn't even think about those.   I am merely talking about what my parents perceived as "bad" words such as; bull, bullmahonkey, shoot, and sucks.  So, I can only imagine my mother's reaction to me being on several news stations, saying the word SUCKS.

I don't always say the right things, and I definitely need to work on my articulation, but I was mad.  My emotions get the best of me at times.

That night was a big night for votes.  We voted on the Budget, the Super's contract, and the go ahead to appeal to the state.  I voted no on all three. I can clarify my reasons.

Budget - This year we received the budget in plenty of time, and it was posted on the website as promised for the public to view.  However, I believe IPS is spending too much at 120 Walnut and more funds need to make it to the classroom.  And until I see changes, sacrifices at the top, then that will be my vote. 

Super's Contract-  I simply stated that IPS needs new leadership.  I whole-heartedly believe this to be true.  Nothing personal, but I can not see IPS recovering from the current state with the current superintendent.

Appeal of our schools- I have to say, I am sick about these schools being taken over.  I hate it.  It is damaging to communities, staff, families, and most of all students.  I went to s school that was closed (Howe 1995) and I know the lack of focus the staff will have this year.  Howe is one of the schools being taken over, my school, my parents school.  I want to fight.  I want to march and write letters.  I want to sue.  But I made a promise to do what was in the best interest of children, all children.  And fighting isn't the answer.  Instead I am going to focus on building relationships with the Turn Around School Operators.  I am going to get involved in my community, as I encourage everyone to get involved in theirs.  As a Board Member I am going to ask how I can help, and I am going to listen.  There's no time for pointing fingers. 
I regret how this was all handled.  It makes me extremely sad to think had this been taken seriously the outcome might have been different.  It shames me to know this takeover is happening on my watch. 

I don't agree with everything Dr. White has done, and I don't agree with everything Dr. Bennett has done, however, it is time that adults act like adults.  Children must come first.  All children.


  1. Mrs. Anne, thank you for who your are. A true caring concern parent, board member. etc. You are taking the right stand. You are not alone. You do have my vote. IPS could have done a better job on their decisions making. Continue to do the right thing. Most members of the board will not support your decisions. However, you are fine.

  2. Tax payers should vote to Clean up IPS HR DEPT.
    From the Super Down. The old boardmembers need to go. The district was severely mismanaged. They need to be held responsible. They have all allow the district to have lost four schools.

  3. Keep up the good work. We need to clean up from the Supt. down to the board members. Continue to do the right thing.

  4. THanks for the comments, I love reading them all.

  5. Goodness, Look at how many people make up the PR department. Do other schools the size of IPS have so many people trying focused on PR? Who in the world ever heard of school having a Television Department that was not producing student work.

  6. I just think that all of you are racist and do not like black people, it is so appearent in your comments. The only reason you don't like Super White is he is black. You all loved Pritchett and he let our schools be closed for no reason. White is willing to fight for us, wake up people!

  7. I don't know how racism enters this story. IPS has been failing since the 70's. The efforts to turn it around have been half-hearted. Programs have and are changed every 2-3 years. Implementation is rarely thought out and rarely budgeted accurately. Failing Principals are moved from building to building and then to the Ed. Center. $$ is wasted on consultants and no data is collected to verify success. Accountability has never been a strong suit of anyone in IPS including the board.

  8. I am not going to defend myself regarding the racist comment. It has no merit.
