Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The New Board

The New Board.  These aren't just my words, but the phrase I have heard many times the last few weeks.  Think about this.  Only three members of a 7 member board have changed.  But the effect they have on the board labels the entirety of the board "new".
I got to witness the "new" board in an action at the recent Board Retreat.  There was more discussion that night than I have ever heard at any meeting.  In fact, the night went so long we had to schedule a part 2 for next monday.
This is something very new and refreshing.  I have always liked my job, but I am about to love it.

The board members are sworn in on Jan 7th.  So we still have a month of business ahead of us.  There's an Education Meeting on Thursday Dec. 6th.  The Retreat part 2 on the 10th, an Action Session on the 11th and a Resource Committee meeting on the 12th.

This will be the first time members take office in January.  I find it quite fitting.  A new year.  A new beginning.  What potentially started out for my family as our best year yet, ended up being one of the hardest.  I am not sad to say good-bye to 2012.  In fact, I will be giving it the bird as it goes out.  Good. riddance.  S