Saturday, April 30, 2011

True to Myself

I never thought I would be the person who gets caught up in feeling so important that I forget why I wanted to be on the school board.  I want to be the person that connects with our parents and the public.  Now, I am not saying other people can't be the same way, this is just my goal for myself. 
I try to remain level headed and grounded.  I do this a few different ways. 
At public, neighborhood meetings I choose to not sit by the other Board members.  Nothing personal really.  But I find I get much more out of the meeting if I do this.  Most people don't know who I am, and I don't expect them to.  So I hear their comments.  Their true, uncensored comments. 
Lately I have been sitting in the Board Room before the meeting starts.  Not in my chair, but on the main floor with everyone else.  I feel their excitement if their child is getting a recognition.  I also remember how I felt as a nervous parent getting ready to speak.  And I also see how far away we, the board members, are from the very people we represent.  Getting closer was a goal of mine from the beginning, yet I haven't gotten very far.  Change can be very hard for some people. 
Anyway, I write this because I recently received an email that made me feel like I am actually getting it right.  That I am reaching people who otherwise wouldn't of been reached.   So tonight, I sleep well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pomp and Circumstance or Pompous Circumstance

Several emails have come in today regarding the date changes of graduation ceremonies.  For my out of town readers, let me update you.

Because of the 4 Snow days IPS occurred the school year has been extended by 3 days. 
Up until last year IPS has had no issue with graduating the seniors early even those students then fall short of the 180 required says of school.  Last year our State Superintendent, Dr. Tony Bennett, made IPS submit a waiver so these seniors could graduate with less than 180 days, making it clear that in the future the full 180 days would be expected.
Even without the three make up days IPS needed to submit another waiver.  The waiver was denied.  Now several graduation times and dates have been changed, just a few weeks away from the original schedule.  This is leaving families in terrible predicaments.  Many have friends and other family members coming from out of state.   Flights have been booked, hotels have been booked, and parties have been planned. Now so many will be out time and money, and may miss this special occasion entirely. 
The superintendent can speak for himself and our president can speak on behalf of the board.  But I speak for me.  This is a huge mistake made and then made worse by mere pride.  I don't believe IPS should be pointing fingers elsewhere.  This should have been expected and dealt with months ago. 
On behalf of myself I want to apologize to all of our families and students who have been negatively affected by these changes.  I know how I would feel had this happened to one of my children, and I am truly sorry.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Start in your own backyard

First of all, let me say how ashamed I am that it has been SO LONG since I have written.  Maybe only three people read this, but I really want to be open and inclusive in this process.

Lots of hot topics right now, but leading the pack is the BUDGET.  Funny how I hate that word in my home, and I am beginning to hate it at work.  Only because when the word "budget" is brought up at either place, bad news always follows.

I was out of town when Amos aired asking, Where were the board members?  Well, there is no secret where I stand.  I don't think central Office has sacrificed much at all, I don't believe administrators who make a (more than) comfortable salary have done enough, and I think the Superintendent should have started with himself, long ago.

I have no problem making tough decisions or unpopular ones.  There will come a time when a school has to be closed and more teachers laid off.  I am not taking the easy way out, as some have stated.  When the proposal is right, and fair, then I will support it.   But as long as the proposals set before me are grossly unfair to the students, teachers, taxpayers, and parents of IPS, it will NOT be supported by me.

I make no apologies for my bluntness, and my opinion is not private.