Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tugging at my heartstrings

I have been a very busy board member (wife, mother, daughter, addicted volunteer) the past few weeks.

We held out 2nd annual Board Open House.  And I am so thrilled with the community that came out to be a part of this event.  A million thanks to Tech HS and #70 for sharing their talents with us!  It was a lot of fun and we learned about several programs.

   Here is the food provided by the Tech Culinary students and the orchestra from school #70.  They also had a choir sing, but I did not get a picture.

I had a great opportunity to meet Superintendent Ritz.  I am glad she was able to meet with me and I really enjoyed introducing myself to her and listening to her thoughts on education.

Last week I also attended a Giving of the Keys Ceremony last week at Tech.  Lincoln Tech, for the first time ever, donated a car to the mechanics department at Tech.  That was a great event as well and I got to tour a lot of the programs that day as well.

I had a few other meetings the last few weeks as well.  As a board we had an Executive Session.  I read to students at school #27 for Read In Day.  Had a great time doing that.  I always bring in my kids favorite books and try to find something the group hasn't heard 100 times.  Unfortunately I do not have pictures of this.

I met with an IPS teacher who shared some concerns and an IPS volunteer who wanted to talk some things over with me.

Today I went to a community council meeting at school #44.  Board members were invited to this meeting to hear from staff and community partners regarding the proposed changes for school 44.  THe plan is to make this school the Montessori School and bus most of the current students into a different neighborhood.  They shared with us how this will change the relationship between the school and the partners who have given so much.  They donate time, clothes, food, computers, and much more.  In fact they took us on a tour and I was so impressed.  Given they community they serve the school knows it needs to do far more than just teach.  They have to make sure these students have their basic needs met.
Here is a picture of their food pantry.  About 30 families a month rely on help just to get by.

They have what they call Karissa's Closet.  This closet serves ALL students.  Every year they get brand new uniforms, socks, and shoes.  They have winter coats, scarves, hats and gloves stocked so no on goes without.  All of this is by donations.
The closet in named after a beautiful little girl who was once a student at 44.  She was shot and killed on her front porch.  They names this closet after her to remember her by, so her legacy and smile can continue  and to remind them why they are here.

Like I said, it is a very busy time.  We have a Legislative Meeting tonight at 5:30.  Our committee meetings are now every Wednesday at 5;30.  Next Tuesday we have added a strategic planning committee meeting with our interim Superintendent  Peggy Hinckley.  She started on Monday and Dr. White leaves Friday.  I most sincerely wish him well.

Friday, February 22, 2013


We are in the final stages of the contract to hire Peggy Hinckley as the Interim Superintendent.  We hope to vote on her contract next Tuesday. February 26th.  I think this will be good for IPS.

On the 26th we will also host our second annual Board Open House from 6:00-6:45pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend and stay for the board meeting.

I have had a very busy month.  THere have been many IPS events I have gotten to attend in addition to all the meeting the board has held.

I attended the Spelling Bee, High Ability and Achievement Committee, Coordinated School Health Advisory Council Meeting, Parent Power Breakfast, and I met with Justin Ohlemiller the new Executive Director of Stand for Children.

As for board meetings we held the first Legislative meeting, Education and Resource, a few special called meetings and a preschool meeting.  THe Education meeting lasted until 9pm!!!  That has never happened.

During this very busy month I also had a child come down with the flu.  That took a week out of our lives.  Long nights and days!  With three kids in IPS I am busy with them too.  I have attened Valentines' parties, made copies for teachers, attended a Chinese New Year Party, a dance, and popped popcorn.

Next month we will host our first Engagement Committee on March 27th.  At this meeting we will start talking to the community about what they want in the next Superintendent for IPS Schools.  There will be more info to come on this.

We will be holding our Committee Meetings every Wednesday.  

Friday, January 25, 2013


It's been a while.  By design.  There's been so much I wanted to say.  Needed to say.  And can not say.  So I figured saying nothing is best.
I've come to ask myself the same question as I go through these tough decisions.  Will what I do impact IPS in a positive way?  There's some moments that I probably make the selfish choice.  Maybe I complain about something that doesn't really matter, but I make it an argument anyway.  And I have been known to make a joke or two.  This too doesn't help the district.  But I do it anyway.  Mostly to keep my sanity.
It has been an emotionally draining couple of weeks.  For many people.  A scary time.  For many people.  Let's see- we began by reorganizing our committees.  We put the preschool plan on hold.  Then we accept the resignation of the Superintendent.  And then we non renewal letters to 138 administrators.
Well, we've proved to be one thing.  Bold and fast.  This board is made up of some very smart people.  Each one with great strengths.  As a group we have learned or are at least learning to recognize those in one another.  We don't always agree.  In fact we often dispute each other.  However I see us growing every day.
So I ask.  Please have faith is us.  Please support us.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Officers

I would like to introduce you to the Officers of the IPS School Board.

President- Diane Arnold
Vice President- Annie Roof
Secretary - Samantha Adair-White

Yep folks.  We did it.  And we have three new board members.  It is a new day.
We had our first official meeting on Jan. 9th.   At this time we re-evaluate out Committees.  And we decide to make a change.  These will be proposed and voted on at the Briefing Session.  We are voting on this at the briefing because we need these changes made by February when our committee meetings will start up again.  We are combining Legislative and Policy, Education will remain the same, as well as Recourse.  Since we are combining the two we are adding a new committee.  This new committee will focus on Community engagement.

We also looked at things that had been done in the past, just because, and decided to try doing things a different way.
I thought all the board members were kind and courteous to one another and listened to each other.  It was a great conversation.  And I loved it.

We have a lot of work to do.  And I am sure things will be rocky at times.  But I think we're all gonna be ok.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter Break

I have really enjoyed this time off.  Off of schedules and meetings and everything.
But relaxing is about to come to a screeching halt.  Jan. 7 is the night the new board members are sworn in.  This is a big night for them and the rest of us.
Running a campaign is in a category like no other.  It is emotionally, physically  sometimes financially, draining.  It eats up all your free time and time that isn't even free.  It is the longest and toughest job interview out there.  ANYONE who put their hat in the ring and runs for public office deserves a pat on the back and some gratitude.

There's been some news regarding IPS lately.  IPS won the lawsuit for funding for the students we didn't lose during the takeover situation.  The rest of the story is kind of murky given a week after the board members become official, we get a new State Superintendent.

I will post here as changes happen.