Thursday, September 22, 2011

Well Robert, apparently you weren't invited.

Board Meeting, Briefing Session, 9/20/2011 is one I won't soon forget.

There were three topics that were of high importance to me.

Item # 5.16

Recommended Action

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve the recommendation to reconfigure the middle schools in the secondary schools to becomme junior high schools with their individual school number from IDOE.

I am quoting this form Board Docs, so I will not correct the spelling mistake.  Yet, I will smirk at the irony.  I was pretty opinionated on this issue.  (just a reminder- there are many more opinions than mine, however I am not blogging their opinions, only my own)  IPS has guessed what DOE will do over and over, and usually we are wrong.  Graduation dates ring a bell?  We were also told DOE WON"T takeover schools.  So here we are ASSUMING that they will 1) hand out another school code and 2) if these schools are split that they will calculate the scores any differently.  My argument is merely contact the DOE and ask BEFORE we make such a decision.  The Superintendent refuses to do so saying that would be asking permission and we don't have to ask permission.  I never stated that we should belly up to the State, however we should be able to communicate as adults and have discussions for the benefit of our students.
I did call the DOE.  I did ask these questions.  Why wouldn't I?  As a Board Member I feel that I should make the best INFORMED decision. 

Item # 5.19
Recommended Action

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve the creation of a magnet program at Longfellow Middle School effective the 2012-2013 school year.

I really thought that I had asked very specific questions regarding this school at out meeting on Saturday.  It was my understanding that we would not be opening this school for the 2012-2013 year, so I was surprised to not only see this on the agenda, but to realize we had to vote on it that night!

I have to say how disappointed I am that this went through without consulting our essential partners first.  You know, parents, voters, taxpayers, and community members.  I am surprised that the board members who were very vocal about the state holding last minute meetings would make such a decision without ANY meetings.   I think it is great to offer our parents more choices, especially on the south side of town where choice is lacking.  But wouldn't it have been better to see if they wanted that choice there?  Also, I feel bad for the students currently at Longfellow.  I toured this beautifully renovated school this summer, and one teacher thanked us for giving these students such a beautiful building.  These students that are in an alternative ed program sometimes feel forgotten and were so proud of this beautiful school, just for them.  And we just took it away.
Sure, things happen.  Maybe this was the best move.  However I stand behind my opinion that this decision shouldn't have been rushed.  In fact, I tried to postpone this vote.  And here is where it is very confusing.  I even put off blogging until I had more info, yet I still don't.  Long story short, I made a motion, I was told that I could not make that motion, as it turns out it looks like I was in the right.  Therefore my legitimate motion was blocked.  I think someone is in the process of figuring out what to do now, however, there has been no communication from the Board President thus far.  I am irritated with myself for not fighting harder that night.  I really thought I was right.  (I have read Robert's Rules for Dummies)  Instead I chose to believe someone who has been doing this for decades.  Someone who decided I was not capable of leading a committee meeting. 

Unfinished Business

Talk about confusing.  Ok.  Do you remember the vote to sue the state?  If not, here's a recap....

I recommend that the Board of School Commissioners approve by Roll Call the filing of litigation against Dr. Tony Bennett and the Indiana Department of Education for actions adverse to four (4) district Community High Schools.

Motion by Marianna R Zaphiriou, second by Elizabeth M Gore.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Michael D Brown, Mary E Busch, Elizabeth M Gore, Marianna R Zaphiriou
Nay: W Diane Arnold, Andrea Roof, Samantha Adair-White
 Some of the Board Members, myself included, thought that since Dr. White decided not to sue the state that we should vote to rescind permission.  It was requested to be put on the agenda, but no one responded to the request.  So it was brought up as unfinished business.  
I wasn't planning on saying anything that night, just my vote.  However someone made the accusatory comment of the whole thing being semantic.  I considered it good old fashioned transparency by an elected official.  But here is what gets me.  It seems that if a board member (usually on the minority end of the split) disagrees with something we get criticized.  Or we're accused of doing it for personal gain, or because of a vendetta, or whatever.  I want to share something that was on the black board at my child's school. If 5th graders can learn this, can't we as Board Members?  And I am including myself.  I think everyone has room to improve. 


  1. Annie, I don't want you to think no one reads your blog, so I guess I will ask a couple of questions. When you approve a recommendation to spend money, do you ask the Superintendent to define the metrics used to evaluate the expenditure? If you don't ask at the time you approve the expenditure, when do you ask for a determination of success. I see a lot of money spent on consultants and programs but I don't see that any evidence is ever presented to demonstrate success. I don't see any improvement in school progress, so I wonder what you and your peers use. As an example, how will you judge the success of the Inter-session program? I understand the enrichment part will not be duplicated next year. Also, as an fyi, when your criticize spelling, be careful with your own. Good luck with your interactions with your board peers.

  2. I love this comment.
    I am glad you read the blog. I started this months ago to actually help me relieve some stress I was dealing with on the board. I never thought anyone would actually READ it. But I am glad. Moment of honesty here...I do not know the answer to all those questions and I don't do a great job of asking. I can make excuses. The last year I had a lot to learn so I focused a lot on putting out the big fires. But, that isn't really a good enough reason. Recently a few of my fellow board members have done an outstanding job of asking for "proof" of what works, what doesn't and what's the measuring tool to determine those conclusions. We hear a lot of "we can get that to you". I, as a board member, need to be better at following up with that.
    Regarding Intersession, that is another great question and it has been on the forefront lately. I think there a lot of ways to look at Intersession. The first being attendance. We definitely need to ask and offer suggestions of how success will be measured. Parent input will be most valuable.
    And you made me chuckle in regards to spelling. I wasn't really criticizing. Just smirking. We are all human and make mistakes. I never claimed to be a writer, at all. I am merely trying to bring a different perspective to this whole elected official transparency thing. I will make mistakes, spelling, judgement, and so on. I do appreciate you pointing out my faults and things I need to work on.

  3. I don't know, Annie. I looked at 4 of the Board Items relating to consultants, one or two names who have been working at the same schools for 4 or 5 years. All the items passed by unanimous decisions. Where was the debate and request for proof of success? Title and Sp. Ed. comprise a lot of the money IPS gets. Look at the standardized test results. Several schools fail in those subgroups. I have to wonder how effective the programs are and the personnel are in those groupings.

  4. You are right with your concerns. Unfortunately there has to be a test year. We can ask for measurement of worth, but we have to let the program run so it can be measured. And yes, it has been running for 4-5 years, but the proof wasn't asked for until now. Very serious point and concern you make.
