Thursday, August 18, 2011

Music to my ears

I have been accused, and probably just so, for mostly posting the negatives stories about IPS.  Of course I don't intend it that way, it just happens to be a stress reliever.

Well, today I heard some information that made me extremely proud to be an IPS parent and Board Member.  My son started a new school last week.  Today his music teacher called me to ask if he had an instrument at home.  He signed up to play the violin, and though I own one it is not the right size.  Through this brief conversation with his teacher I found out that there weren't enough instruments for the children to take home for practice.  She said they will try and get more.  I asked how do they try and get more.  And she said through grants or scholarships.  I remember some budget cuts a few months back in the music department and I was extremely concerned about this kind of issue arising.  The Superintendent assured me there were plenty of instruments and people just needed to call him.  So I did.  I left a message.

In the mean time, I found a great place that sold and rented instruments, including violins.  The deal was too good to pass up, so we are now equipped with a tiny violin.  Seriously, a great deal.  I chatted with the owner while he rang me up.  I told him my daughter's school doesn't start instrumental music until 5th grade, and I felt lucky that my son could start in 2nd.  He then told me that Warren Township doesn't start until7th because of budget restraints.  I have not verified this information yet, but I was very pleased that IPS has fought for keeping the music in the schools.  We have several programs that start younger than 5th grade for instrumental music!!!!!

Once I retuend home from errand running I received a call from the Super.  I told him the situation, and reminded him what he said.  He didn't hesitate to look into the matter and help. 

Now, I am not just calling because this was my son's school.  I would call for any school.  In fact, now that we have an instrument here for him, there is no concern for us. 

Anyway, these little moments remind me of the great programs and opportunities IPS has to offer.


  1. with all due respect, I do admire your courageous efforts on the board. However, after watching the board tonight online, I have had somewhat of an epiphany that the change shouldn't necessarily come with Dr. White, but more the heavy administration (i.e. Dr. Clency, the extra elementary directors, the many forest manor employees, etc. as well as that which you cannot change, the out-dated board members - and the vindictive scorned adair-white. If you would host a forum I truly believe you could begin a necessary and revolutionary change for IPS students, parents, teachers, and community members as a whole. I am not the greatest fan of Dr. White, but I do believe with listening to some of your own posts, that he truly does have the success of ips at heart. imho

  2. I appreciate this opinion. Making votes, like the one tonight, isn't easy. I do believe there are great things about IPS, many successes. I believe that there are great things Dr. White has done. I have seen his care and concern. But ultimately the city has seemed to have lost faith in IPS, and for good reason. SOme of that is the fault of other staff at 120 Walnut, some is because of certain board members, but at the end of the day, people will look to who is at the top. I believe for the morale of the schools and the communities the time for a change is now. I never have thought for one minute he didn't want IPS to succeed. Everyday I try to have all the patience in the world for my children, but at 2:30 I catch myself snapping at them. It happens. Again, thanks for the comment. I enjoy reading them.

  3. thank you for your reply. I appreciate your candid and thorough review before casting a vote. I truly wish others would step forward and think for the students rather than their personal agendas - no matter what they may be. As a mother of two IPS children, I appreciate putting yourself in that predicament. It can't be easy - but you seem composed in making your decisions. I hope others take note and follow suit.
