Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quick Update

Just a quick IPS update. So, last month IPS approved the contract for Voyager. Today we need to approve it again. I haven't quite figured out why, except we were given bum info the first time around. Now we are voting to use the Job Funds (first I have heard of it). This money could be used for teachers or nurses! Dr. WHite wants to use 4.5 million dollares of this grant to pay for this contract. We vote tonight.


  1. What is voyager?

  2. Actually it's over $18,000,000 for the next three years. I guess that money is not allowed to be used to lower class sizes or provide after school remediation and transportation home.
    Otherwise, I'm sure Dr. White would see the value of that over what he's proposing. I'm sure it's not allowed to be used to hire more special ed teachers - or classroom teachers, or counselors or behavior specialists, therapists etc.
    It must have rules attached to its usage that require hiring an outside agency. Because that's a lot of money!
