Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Where are the parents?

As we get further into the IPS School Board race it's expected to have the same conversations over the same concerns.

But first, I have to say, I am pretty envious. I loved campaigning. I loved meeting people and speaking at forums. I loved going to neighborhood groups. But these candidates have so much more work to do. There are MANY, MANY more forums. There are more endorsements. When I ran, you could get only a hand full. I received none. I had people endorsements, not groups. But more than anything they share the ballot with the president. That is pretty awesome.

One thing I hear is "parent involvement". Everyone is trying to solve this problem of how to get parents involved. And I simply don't understand.

When I went to elementary school my parents met my teachers at parents in touch night. My mother never volunteered in the classroom. No mother did, or father. I remember a few parents going on field trips. That's it.
WHy are we suddenly convinced that failure is based on parents not being involved? I believe the problem lies with the home life, not parents in the school. Do I think it has it's benefits? Absolutely.
I see schools bending over backwards to get parents at functions. Offer transportation, food, babysitting. And I think that's great. I really do.

However, here is my point. If we can't get parents involved - then we need to learn to succeed without it.

1 comment:

  1. It's a classic case of confusing cause and correlation -- just because kids who do well in school often have parents who attend school functions and come to conferences and volunteer to help doesn't mean that the parental involvement in school events is the CAUSE of students' success! Sure, there's a correlation between the two. However, it's like saying that just because drowning deaths increase as ice cream consumption increases, eating ice cream is a major cause of drowning! Parents CAN care and be involved without ever setting foot in a school building (and due to work and family responsibilities, that's something that happens at times), and there is nothing magical about getting a parent to show up at a school event, especially when they were "bribed" to attend with door prizes and free pizza.
