Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

Elected officials are being sworn in today.  I can't help but think about this day next year, and what it might mean for the IPS School Board.  My hope is that there is no longer a majority.  Not just the 4/3 split we seem to have now, but any 4/3 split.  I hope that we can have 7 independent thinkers who base every vote on putting the children of IPS first. 
I have a lot of concerns with what his happening with IPS, and in regards to IPS. 

The Mind Trust Report came out a few weeks ago.  I wasn't shocked by their findings, however I was taken with a few of their suggestions.  Here is the link of the entire report if anyone wants to look at it.....

Here's some key points: Shifting Funds, Granting Autonomy, Universal Preschool, and Mayor Control of School Board. 

I am in favor of most if the ideas, not entirely convinced of how to achieve them all.  I am NOT in favor of Mayor Control of the school board.  I am not saying it can't work, but I am hoping that changes can be made on the school board so takeover isn't a necessity.   I believe in the people's right to vote and choose their elected officials.  I think resources could be spent on informing the public of the importance of voting for your school board representative, and letting them know who those representatives are.  The concerns that led to the plan of board takeover are not without merit.  I have seen, first hand, the dysfunction of the board.  It is very real and very scary.  Without making compromises and being open minded I have no doubt the school board will be taken over.  And what a shame that voters could lose that right forever, because of a few board members.  I think we could be a part of these changes if we are so willing.  Otherwise someone else will be placed in our chairs, and then we will have no vote at all.
When David Harris sat down and briefed us on the report, he told me that he didn't believe the people were the problem, that the system was broken.  I respectfully disagreed and told him I thought he was wrong.  In my opinion the system that is there, can and should work.  The people are broken.  Here's to what 2012 may bring.

As I write this I know I will piss a few people off.  I make no apologies for that.  As time goes on I am realizing something.  I am not alone.  Not just here, in Indianapolis, but all over the country.  There are board members who believe as I do, and struggle the same.  And we are beginning to network, and discuss, and question, and support.  Change is happening.


  1. I would be happy if all board seats were considered "at large". That way there could be a better attempt to remove people that are life long board members.

  2. Hang in there and stay strong as you fight for the best education possible for your kids & all of the children in IPS! Keeping your mind, eyes and ears open will lead to positive changes for this district.

  3. Thanks for sharing these comments!
