Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This year, I am going through my first real process of electing officers.  IPS has a President, Vice President, and a Secretary.  I decided months ago to run for Vice-President.  I didn't really know how to go about sharing my interest, so I sent an email.
I never received any response.  So at a training session with someone from the Indiana School Board Association I brought up a few questions.  Mainly, when, where, and how do we discuss these positions.  I was told to bring it up at a Committee Meeting and discuss it there.
So I did.  And when I did I was met with harsh criticism about how this is the wrong time and not the place, and NOT how it has always been done.  Weeks later I am calm and collected, however that night I was not.  I asked why in the world wasn't this brought up in front of the person from ISBA?  Why wait until I bring it up here and make me look like a fool?  I proceeded to share that this was the strangest behavior out of professional adults I have ever encountered.  Basically, I was mad.

Since then there has been no discussion on the matter.  As a group we have not come together to hear one another and our reasons for the interest in a specific position.   So what do we have?

3 people wanting President.
1 wanting Vice-President
0 wanting Secretary

How do we serve our students and the people of this city to the best of our ability if we can't even do this?  As far as I know this is the first time in several years so many Board Members have ran for the office of President.

This morning I sent an email to the rest of the Board. Here is a small part of it....

"I am so tired of this Board being restricted to "past practice" or the "way we've always done it".  Times change, and we need to be willing to change with them to be successful.  We can't keep doing the same thing year after year, and expect different results.  And we NEED different results."

I may have just lost some votes.......


  1. I heard you loud and clear. You do have some strong points. This district has fallen short in a lot of areas. There are a great deal of lying, selfish behavior, and lack of morals.

    This district is like a run away train heading in the wrong direction.

    You do have my vote. Work hard to get this district back on the right track.

  2. Thanks for the comment. THanks for reading.
