Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pomp and Circumstance or Pompous Circumstance

Several emails have come in today regarding the date changes of graduation ceremonies.  For my out of town readers, let me update you.

Because of the 4 Snow days IPS occurred the school year has been extended by 3 days. 
Up until last year IPS has had no issue with graduating the seniors early even those students then fall short of the 180 required says of school.  Last year our State Superintendent, Dr. Tony Bennett, made IPS submit a waiver so these seniors could graduate with less than 180 days, making it clear that in the future the full 180 days would be expected.
Even without the three make up days IPS needed to submit another waiver.  The waiver was denied.  Now several graduation times and dates have been changed, just a few weeks away from the original schedule.  This is leaving families in terrible predicaments.  Many have friends and other family members coming from out of state.   Flights have been booked, hotels have been booked, and parties have been planned. Now so many will be out time and money, and may miss this special occasion entirely. 
The superintendent can speak for himself and our president can speak on behalf of the board.  But I speak for me.  This is a huge mistake made and then made worse by mere pride.  I don't believe IPS should be pointing fingers elsewhere.  This should have been expected and dealt with months ago. 
On behalf of myself I want to apologize to all of our families and students who have been negatively affected by these changes.  I know how I would feel had this happened to one of my children, and I am truly sorry.


  1. Why not just keep the ceremony date the same, and hand out just diploma covers until the last day when the students can get their real diplomas? IUPUI does that for many students every year.

  2. Michael- I suggested that. There was concern that students would cause problems, but I still think it would be better than this.

  3. I understand FOX News called Dr, White and he again blamed DOE and "a few troublemaker parents" for the uproar. I don't have a child graduating but I would be livid!
